
Teatro Académico Gil Vicente

Teatro Académico Gil Vicente, photograph Ivo Tavares


The Teatro Académico de Gil Vicente (TAGV) is a part of the University of Coimbra. Since its opening in 1961, its cultural, artistic and educational mission has always been fulfilled between the City and the University. A public service venue, the TAGV offers a regular and varied programming, thus connecting Coimbra to various theatre, dance, music and film networks in Portugal and abroad.

Its projects, which stretch across time and have their own programmatic lines, which makes

them unique in the Portuguese artistic scene, include: Centro de Dramaturgia Contemporânea; Encontro de Novas Dramaturgias (Festival END); Abril Dança em Coimbra, Mostra de Teatro Universitário; and École des Maîtres, an international project of advanced training.

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Dance, Music, Theatre